Guess Who #4 with Dob Olino

You know Dob; you've seen his fantastic stream with Momes, you've solved one of his many great cryptic or noncryptic puzzles—maybe even one we've made together! Well, he had a great idea for a collab, so we're back with another! Here's what Dob has to say:

When Joe first begged me to make a Guess Who with him back in the late 90s, I was hesitant. Like, really hesitant. For a long time. Why, you ask? You know the old saying "never do a cryptic collab with your heroes"? That. However, in a shocking turn of events, it was a joy from start to finish. I genuinely love this puzzle and its subject and hope you enjoy solving it. Are you also a fan of [redacted]? If so, I'd love to know your favorite [redacted] or [redacted] of theirs. Thanks Joe for this opportunity. < 3

This puzzle relates to a specific someone—can you use the nine themed answers to figure out who before the grid spells out their name in the circled squares?

Many thanks to our test solvers, Brad, liari, and tookey!

[solve online] [jpuz]


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